Caravan Park Accommodation
A jewel in the heart of the bushveld
Situated in the tranquille Waterberg Bushveld
San Cha Len Caravan Park is situated in the unspoiled, tranquille Bela Bela Bushveld. All campsites are large and are fully equipped with power.
Our well-maintained ablution facilities will give you all the luxuries that you need to make your camping experience a memorable one. Easy access to and from the N1 motorway, means that even your journey to San Cha Len will be an enjoyable experience.
San Cha Len is completely fenced and is safe and secure resort that offers various different spesies of bird life.
San Cha Len is pet friendly as well depending on the pet , ask when booking if u want to make use of this and bring your pet on your getaway.
San Cha Len Karavaan Kamp
Daar is 22 gerieflike staan plekke
2 x van die staan plekke het hulle eie ablusie blokke
17 x karavaan staan plekke met plaveisel stene en gras.
3x tent of waentjie staanplekke met plaveisel stene en gras.
Die ablusie geriewe is baie mooi in stand gehou en gerieflik.
Ons is ook troeteldier vriendelik. Telefoniese reelings in dien u ,u troeteldier wil saam bring na San Cha Len. Vrae oor die vereistes met betrekking daar op tydens besprekking asb.
San Cha Len is geheel en al omhein en is 'n veilige besteming vir u en u familie om te kom ontspan, swem en vele meer.
Ons is so om en by 10km van die dorp Bela Bela in dien u iets dringend sou benodig of lus het om te gaan verken.
22 Campsites:
2x Caravan stands with their own bathrooms and a place to wash the dishes.
17x Caravan stands with brick slabs for caravan tents, with grass next to each stand for the evening braai with family or friends.
3x Tent or trailer tent stands with brick slabs and grass next to the stands for the evening braai with family or friends.
2x Ablution facilities. 1x 2 Family bathrooms, men’s and lady’s showers and toilets.